Features provided by libstocks
Libstocks is a C library which can be used to fetch stocks quotes.
It is currently able to get quotes from a lot of stocks markets.
The supported markets are :
- United States
- Canada
- Mexico
- Brasil
- Argentina
- Venezuela
- Chili
- Australia
- European markets
Unfortunatly, libstocks can gets historical quotes just for the United States market.
(See http://chart.yahoo.com/d for more details)
The library fetches quotes from Yahoo Finance and then creates a double linked list of quotes.
The list contains for each stocks:
- The stocks symbol
- The last trade
- The open price
- The time and date (This depends on country)
- The absolute variation
- The percentage variation
- The previous day closing price
- The maximum price
- The minimum price
- The volume
The library provides also the functions to manage the double linked list created by the library.
Two functions enables easy movement in either direction through the list, another one frees the list created by the library
and one allows to search the desired stock in the list. This last function returns the pointer of the stock in the list.
Libstocks can also be used to get currency exchange.
The library support proxy with the libstocks set_proxy function.
The library distribution contains also a small client which displays quotes.